Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thank You Glad Tidings Assembly of God!!!

Thank you Glad Tidings for having us this morning! We love you all so much! Ya'll are family to us, and we are so thankful to have you in our lives! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share about our cause and for your very generous donations! Because of your generosity and love, we know that Joseph will be around for many more years to come!!

Speaking of Joseph... the last couple of days have been kind of rough for him. He's been running fevers off and on, and has been very congested. He's only been home from the hospital for a few weeks, and he's already thinking he will be needing to go back again for another "tune up" very soon.

We cannot wait for the time when he will get that phone call that his new lungs are available! No more lung infections or hospital stays... no more hacking and coughing.... he will finally be able to breathe... run... climb stairs... swim... dance... and LIVE his life!! All of this will be possible BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU!! Thank you so much again! We love you!
